Thursday 2 October 2008

The week so far...

My first week at the new company has been good.

Things I have found out

-Free fruit, including prunes...
-Although limited, cheap good breakfast and lunch available,
-Molton Brown soaps in the toilets (April's Christmas present)
-I get on the same train in the morning and so far the team generally leaves at 5 (I can now get an earlier train home)
-It's actually in The City rather than on the edge of the arse end.
-The CEO of the managing agent (the guy who I had my fourth and final interview with) has just been promoted to CEO of the whole company.
-Don't stand on a swivel chair when trying to reach for a high up box (safety DVD I was forced to watch during the induction)
-As a salary sacrifice I can put up to 100% of my salary straight into my pension...

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