Friday 18 October 2019

Podcast overload

For some time now i've had an overload of podcasts.  Here are some of my subscribed casts.  Athletico Mince is by far and away the best and generally listen to that as soon as it's released.

I have a 10 minute walk to the train in the morning, followed by 10 minutes to the office at the other end.  So that's 40 mins a day, 5 times a week. 3h20m total per week, but I must have up to 10h of new product each week.  There are some that i've just had to cull, some I have to be more selective with.

I'd love to be able to listen to them at work but don't think I can concentrate enough on work whilst doing it.  I sometimes just put my headphones on with nothing on, but that's just to tone down the general office drone when I have to focus on a particular task.  It also has the benefit of putting people off asking questions and putting you off your stride.

When i'm off work in a week's time I may get a chance to catch up.  I have 55 recordings outstanding.

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