Friday 29 September 2023

Mmm... ribs

 April's out later so I'm eating ribs with chips. Yum!

Level 3 soon

 Nobody died.  Although nearly did. Our last session was good fun.  Round ours this week, games club next.  I think we'll make level 3 in the next session.  My Elf wizard certainly needs the hp.  Could do with some proper spells too!

Local sheep

 I had to do a sorter walk this morning as I had a 9am meeting (that I needn't have gone to).  Here's some lovely sheep.

Saint Pauls

 If you squint you can see it

Tuesday 26 September 2023

I thought the summer was over

 Photos from yesterdays walk with the dog

When the fun stops...

 ...stop!  Are we getting too old?

Broken foot of one of the second row

Confirmed fracture of my little finger

Bruising around my finger

Pre stiches 

Some more stitches

Saturday's game

 We played Gravesend on Saturday and lost 10-15.  It was good fun and I think I played pretty well.  Half the game in the centres then half at fly-half.  There was a beer festival at the club followed by the England game on TV.  Great day.

I was bored last week...

 ... and thought "do I need some nice new dice"?

I had a quick look and the answer is no.  I've got 4 sets on kickstarter yet to arrive too.

Saturday 23 September 2023

Match prep

Popping to the shop to get supplies


Friday 22 September 2023

That was a fun bedtime

 April was at a school meeting so I had to put the kids to bed.  Arthur fell asleep before we got there.  Poor dude, he was all tuckered out.  Maybe he should learn to stay in his own bed till 6:30...

Today's walk

 Today's walk went passed a big orchard and couldn't resist taking a few home.  They're delicious.  13,500 steps 11km


The farmer had ploughed the foot path

A bit claggy

Arwen loves the fields

Natural arch

Crop circles

Crop circles 2

Thursday 21 September 2023

First game of the season

We've managed to arrange an old boys game against Gravesend 4th team.  Not bad for a 44 year old.  Let's see how long I last before I get too carried away.  I've been nursing a sore achilles since Sunday when coaching with the kids.  Other benefits of playing on Saturday are I miss out on the school summer picnic (actually it would probably be quite fun), there's a beer festival on at the club followed by the 3rd England rugby game on TV.

After that we're going to a dinner party / wine tasting round friends.  Struggling to get a babysitter though so I may have to stay at home.  


800k views of the blog

 Just past 800k views of Watdefu.  Won't be long till the million!

Another attack by next door's cat


This morning's walk

 13,000 steps, 10.5km.  Lovely day.


Free stuff

 One of the ladies that works behind the bar of my local also cleans houses, one of her clients is going to a lot of the England games over in France so was given a load of free merch.  They passed that on to her and she passed it onto me.  I've also got a battery bank, bottle opener and some extra tat.

Although i'd rather have cash the second bit of free stuff was from our old builders who we've recommended and the family of one of Flo's friends are now using them for their building project. It's the second bottle of fizz we're had from them.

Tuesday 19 September 2023

Working from the car

I was chatting to one of the old locals at my pub a month or so ago and he happened to mention that he sometimes struggled to get to his local hospital appointments. I mentioned that if I wasn't busy is be able to help him out.

Well, he asked last week and I'm now waiting on the carpark trying to work on my car.  There's a junior doctor / strike today I think so hopefully that won't impact things.

He turned 90 last week and have managed to get him safely to the hospital. Just got to get him back to Tonbridge without him dieing...

I'd never live it down!

Monday 18 September 2023

Comedy goal

Again, I don't want to criticise the game because i've put in hours into the game (Currently the most ever at over 1000h for FM23).  I mostly have played the game without the actual gameplay though so maybe there's actually more.  I mostly just play the game with commentary as my old laptop really struggled with it's battery if I played with full video.

Saturday 16 September 2023

Sweetcorn chowder

Made this for lunch, yummy. A bit of a mess afterwards though.

Friday 15 September 2023

The model of my new D&D character arrived this morning


His staff is a little wonky

Got to love pewter, bent it back into shape

Making the most of the early Autumn weather

 It was a bit chilly at 7:30 dropping off the kids but the sun was out and shining and soon warmed up.  The farmer had mowed his lawn too.  Finally! They were too quick for me to take a photo but Arwen had the shock of her life when two pheasants decided to take flight right in front of her.  Other than being terribly stupid birds they are very colourful.

Thursday 14 September 2023

Tonbridge velodrome is coming along nicely

They had a mini digger in Tonbridge Castle moat yesterday. They've cleaned it up well, must have used a pressure washer.

Now on wheels

 Why cart your crucifix on your shoulder when you can drag it along on it's own wheel!  I would like to have seen this pitch on Dragons Den.  We've got a fair few Jehovah Witness in Tonbridge and they're usually hanging around the train station or big bridge and they usually just stand there smiling hoping people pick up their magazine. 

Wednesday 13 September 2023

Games night

 It's games night every Tuesday and because the new games club venue is a lot smaller we had to find an alternate venue every other week.  I've offered up my place and everybody seems to enjoy it.

Here we are fighting the big bad (Dorothy and a cyber lion), we got to use some of the kids toys as models

It was the last Cyberpunk session 

Rolled up my D&D character for next week, amazing rolls.  The 13 there was originally another 16 but being the hero that you all know I am I swapped it with another player who was less fortunate with the dice rolls.  We're playing Rime of the Frostmaiden

The guys don't have to but they usually bring drinks and snacks, and there's usually a lot left over.  I'm sure we can do something with these.