Sunday 30 December 2012

Argh... that's better

We got all our DVDs back from Steve (recording) about a month ago, we've finally got round to sorting them.

DVDs all sorted.  3 sections
Boxed sets
Boxed Comedy

Saturday 29 December 2012

It fits...

I even reckon we could have gone for the full 50 inches.

Thursday 27 December 2012


Just watching the 3rd series of 24 (again) on the way into work.

It seems to have skipped forward a year or so and believe it or not Jack's daughter Kim is now working at CTU. Last series she was a nannie. Now she's a computer expert.

I know you have to suspend an awful lot of belief when watching the show but come on. Really???

Monday 24 December 2012

No fair

After all the trouble with postage I also had trouble with Amazon. They were supposed to deliver a present for April and my brother on the 12th. It hadn't arrived by Friday so I checked around the house, and popped into the local depot to see if they had it. Nope.
I had to get something for Steve so ended up buying him extra. Surprise, surprise. His parcel has just turned up!  Git!

Sunday 23 December 2012

New sound system

I bought a new stereo about 4 years ago after an impromptu bonus at work. It was quite fancy and cost a fair bit, but unfortunately it was a little too early for it's time. I never quite managed to get all the features working or at least working consistently. Syncing with my music collection was a real ball ache and getting it to bypass the firewall was hit and miss at best.

Anyway, my Christmas present from April this year is a new sound system for our new TV (see below). After a little thinking to get all the leads in the right place and a comical burst of max volume we're now all sorted. Bluetooth streaming of my music from a laptop, phone or tablet. Awesome!

The sound's not bad too.

No big TV for Stu

April organised to get our new TV delivered yesterday between 7 and 2. It never turned up and despite multiple calls to John Lewis they have no idea why. I really like John Lewis but out of about 8 home deliveries / Waitrose pick ups 3 have had something go wrong.

Not good when they pride themselves for providing great service.  In other news, Amazon missed out too. A delivery for Steve and April didn't turn up either! Maybe we should go back to buying things from a shop.

Saturday 22 December 2012

Rock oven

So rock and roll it goes up to 11.

... then max.

I'm having a ham off with April to bring round Steve's at Christmas.

Friday 21 December 2012

Merry Christmas

Too much Christmas fun?

Wednesday 19 December 2012

We're in the money

We've just renewed our mortgage at a much lower rate and our car loan has finished. This all equates to a £4,000 saving per year. Woo hoo!

Sunday 16 December 2012

Tonbridge lights

Walking to the rugby club with April last night we saw the Christmas lights by the castle reflected in the river.

Dem bones

A friend's dog called Bones

Back to work

I've been off work since my operation last Thursday [7 days, two of which I was supposed to be on a course], but am more or less okay now apart from an occasionally sore finger so will head back to work tomorrow. It'll be a short week though as I'm seeing the doctor again on Thursday morning to get the stitches taken out and to get another xray to see off things are where they should be. We've got a team Christmas lunch that day too so not much work will get done afterwards anyway. I have Friday and Monday off so that's it for me till after Christmas.

Remember this?

I was looking through my old posts this morning and spotted this gem.

Saturday 15 December 2012

Another spot

I've been watching Star Trek: The Next Generation on Syfi and spotted Teri Hatcher in

The Outrageous Okona (1988)

Friday 14 December 2012

Writers credit

What did the cold sheep say? Brrrrraaaaaa.......

On the train to Gatwick last month I spotted some cold sheep out the window. Quick as a flash I came up with the 'joke' above.

Searching online (google) it doesn't exist. I think I may be the first to come up with it. Any comedian wanting to use it, can. But I must be credited. Be nice...

All the duvet

Thursday 13 December 2012


My hotmail has been hacked so if you get anything from me from my hotmail address stuartrclark please don't open.  I've been getting loads of spam through it for ages so was going to drop it anyway but this seems to be the last straw for me.

In case you don't believe me how sore it was

I remember the way to go

Like the back of my hand...

Haven't seen the back of my hand for a week i've still got the arrow the doctor drew with marker pen before the operation.

Welcome to East London

Walking back into the city yesterday and saw this on fire. How lovely.

Andrew W K Christmas Cat Message

Watch "Lil Bub & Andrew WK's Special Holiday Message" on YouTube

Wednesday 12 December 2012

Check up

In London to get my finger checked out. Hopefully everything's in order.

Too cold to see

Can't see London Bridge this morning. Too foggy.

Sunday 9 December 2012

Lyme Regis

Visiting April's friends near Exeter popped in to the lovely Lyme Regis whilst there. Very lucky with the weather.

Thursday 6 December 2012

Weasel slippers

I now know what I want for Christmas!

Wednesday 5 December 2012

Tuesday 4 December 2012

Spoke too soon

Laptop switched itself off last night after over heating. Bloody thing. New one soonish I think.

Sunday 2 December 2012

Ho, Ho, Ho!

I've got another on the way from the states.

Dinner for one

Rib of beef for Sunday lunch with Steve's family.

Call me Mr Fixit

Or on second thoughts, probably best not to.  I think i've mentoioned before on here that recently my laptop has been overheating and shutting itself down.  Rather than get a new laptop just yet (every 3 years) I googled "Dell overheating" and low and behold it is a fairly regular occurrence.  Suggestions on the web were it could be the heat sinks being clogged up with dust. 

I'd opened it up before to clean the fan (this didn't help much) so wasn't too fussed about giving this a try.  Plus, there was an online video helpfully showing me exactly what to do.  Anyway, after opening it up, locating the heat sink and eventually prying it out the bloody thing was covered in dust!  Or more probably bloody cat hair.

A quick clean and reattachment later and my laptop is back to normal.  Well I hope it is.  It's suspiciously quiet so maybe the fan doesn't work. 

Watch this space.

Ouch... operation time

Here's the photo of my finger x-rayed on Wednesday.  I'm now booked in to get it operated on Thursday so wish me luck.

I badly hurt another finger about 5 years ago and this is the state of it a couple of weeks later once the bandage was removed.  I expect something similar.  Nice...

Wednesday 28 November 2012


And the doctor from Scrubs! It's also god Ed Harris, Sean Connery and Nicholas Cage.

Yet another spot

Saw the guy from High Fidelity (not Jack Black or John Cutback) in the Rock.

Off to see a doctor

Off to see a specialist hand doctor today at 4. It's still swollen to twice the size and not much better. Lots of sideways movement and knuckle grinding. Not to mention pain.
Hopefully something can be done about it.

Monday 26 November 2012

Not us

I know we look young for our age but this show on channel 4 is not about us.

Although, I'm sure our story would be riveting too.  Who wouldn't want to find out more about two insurance workers in the city???

We could talk about capital modelling for hours...

Another spot

Watching Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter and spotted Wash (Alan Tudyk) from Firefly.

Off to see a specialist

Just spoke to Bupa to get my finger checked out by a specialist and they're booking me in somewhere now. Much better than the 4 hour wait with the NHS.
My finger's still twice it's normal size and it happened 6 weeks ago. Still bloody painful too.

Ha, ha! Suckers!

Managed to get my phone's memory recognisable by my work computer again.

He, he! Suckers!

Film spot

Watching Van Helsing on the way into work and recognised the voice of Hyde.

Robbie Cultrane

Saturday 24 November 2012

Corby bound

First time back in Corby for a while. I probably haven't been back since the summer. I'm going out for a meal with my dad before heading over to Ben's for a birthday / house warming party. I hope he likes his presents...

Friday 23 November 2012

Leicester Square Theatre

Wednesday night where we saw Mickey Flanagan. Verdict: very funny although he suffers a little by what we call the Al Murrey syndrome.

The fans think he's really like that.

Wednesday 21 November 2012

Comedy tonight

I'm on various waiting lists for comedy at the minute. Mickey Flanagan tonight. There's something about his cheeky cockney act that I find funny so why not.

Tower of London

Walking round at lunch yesterday saw Tower Bridge and the ice skating rink that's usually set up there during the winter months.

Tuesday 20 November 2012


Bloody work has stopped access to my blog so can no longer post. They've also removed the get around of me using my USB stick. Swines. My weather spreadsheet is looking neglected.

How can I get the IT department back?

Like buses

Wait 2 weeks since my last post then a shed load comes in at once.

2nd prize goes to....

April. She won a free massage at the hotel spa for coming second in a rock idol competition. Yeah!

Midgets in space

Whilst in Cancun we went to a Vegas style show called Coco Bongo. Brilliant! The eas even a midget dressed as the mask (?) And another on the trapeze dressed as Beetlejuice (?).

Eek! Run away!

About a foot and a half long. Not including the tail!

Chichen Itza

New world wonder

Sexy legs

Hammock with a view

The Swallows at P&J

April's gig last week

Night sky

Monday 5 November 2012

The NHS doesn't count

Beer and pubs support 1 million jobs.