Wednesday 8 May 2024

Change of venue

 There was a change of venue for D&D last night.  Our dining room table has been sent away to get de-wobbled so I suggested we use the upstairs function room of my local.  To my surprise the group said yes (they're all a bit neuro-spicy as one of my friends likes to put it...).  They enjoyed it! One of them even had a couple of beers.  I don't mind the guys coming round mine every other week but there are some weeks where I can't make it so we've had to cancel for everyone.  I think i've convinced them that we should use the pub every other week (the alternate weeks we're in the games cafe) rather than mine, and use my place as a backup if the pub gets a booking.  We'll be there in two weeks anyway as I don't think the table will be fixed by then.

My Spirit Guardian got a little banged up in my bag.  Luckily Sara brought some glue.

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