Tuesday 30 April 2024

Different route this morning

 Yesterday I tried to take the dog to Dean Woods but when we got out it was far too wet and muddy so drove back and did our usual walk through the playing fields and then into the woods and around the farmers fields.

This morning I did the Poacher and Partridge route (without stopping for a pint).  We walked although the Medway for the majority of the route but also pass through farmers fields and through an orchard.  It was lovely once the sun made it's way out of the fog.

Overall it took me a little under 2 hours and I think it was around 14k steps / 11.5km.

1km walk to get out of Tonbridge, but it's quite pleasant along the canal



Fog's nearly gone

Follow that path

I think they're cranberries

More cranberries


I'll be back in September to steal some of your apples!


Slomo canal

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