Wednesday 25 July 2007

Flat update 12.4 version 6_final version, amended-draft

I e-mailed Holly again this morning to find out the progress of my reference checks. Having not heard from her I gave her a call this afternoon to make sure that everything was progressing as planned.

It turns out that she simply forgot to cc me into an e-mail to the referencing firm asking how things were going. But in any case they had not gotten back to her so she was going to give them a call to try and speed things up. She also gave me their number so that I could do the same if I wanted to.

Having not been too confident with my dealings with Holly so far I gave them a call an hour later having heard nothing from her.

I phoned them up and gave them the required details only to find that they have no record of my name!!! I phoned Holly again…

She assured me that everything was in hand, she’d had the same response but when she enquired further spoke to the person that she usually deals with and he said that things were moving along.

Hopefully things have now been fast tracked so that I can move in this weekend.

The saga continues some more…

On the plus side i'm out for a free curry tonight with a couple of American cat modellers. One of which is the size of a vending machine! It's at fancy place in Spitafields Market called Scarlet Dot. I've been there before with April and it cost em a fortune.

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