Friday, 7 February 2025

It was inevitable really

There will be no football manager 25.

After testing last month it was inevitable and is the best decision. I can't say i'm not disappointed but it will give them the best opportunity to make a better game going forward.  Good luck!

So tough

 I kicked one of my dumbbells (is that why they're called dumbbells?) last night and thought nothing of it.  I woke up this morning with an itchy little toe, when I eventually bothered to take a look this is what I saw! 



 April was out in London last night seeing one of her old band mates so I decided to treat myself.  The kids had roasted salmon, I had a delicious steak, perfectly cooked by my good self.

Another day and 3 more records smashed

My right shoulder's bloody sore though, I need a rest.  Luckily it's the weekend where I don't really have time to go so will get that rest.

Distance            Time           Beat last time by     % of Males 45 year old swimmers i'm quicker than

100m                 1m39s        4s                                73%

200m                 3m55s        6s                                53%

400m                 8m14s        3s                                49%

My 500m time was 20s off my best, obviously the faster swimming killed my stamina and i'm less good when compared to other swimmers.  I did do 40m on the cross trainer (8km) before hand too. Getting quicker though!

Archy McBishop Face

Edit:  They've only gone and changed the headline.  It was originally Public invited to suggest NAMES for next archbishop

Word from my blog obviously spreads quick

Thursday, 6 February 2025

I've finally come out

 I've finally come out as a glasses wearer.  My eyes have had a bit of a drop off in quality recently.  A lot quicker than i'd like (i'm currently seeing a consultant about my right eye). I've gone out in public for the first time with glasses to my local.

Nobody mentioned it!  It's a very tolerant pub.

Wednesday, 5 February 2025

More pasta

 More pasta for the kids today, this time fussili Bolognese. It went down well.

Still got it

 A lady had dropped her locker key in the deep end of the pool this morning, she spoke to one of the life gaurds who called up to get assistance.

I answered that call and collected them off the bottom for her.  3.2m deep.  Haven't done that since I was 14 in Corby pool on a lifesaver course.

Not only that, I recorded my best 100m, 400m and 500m swims!  Maybe that South African ex swim coach knew something.

For the record

Distance            Time                Beat the previous record by

100m                 1m43s            2s

400m                 8m17s            9s

500m                 10m0s            28s

As a 45 year old man swimming 500m this puts me in between Intermediate and Advanced!  Better than 54% of male swimmers my age.  It's still and improvement though, and even better continued improvement. 

My 100m pace is better, in fact better than 68% of male swimmers my age,  but it's always going to be that way, I wasn't built for distance.  Or as Gimli from the Lord of the Rings might say.

"I'm wasted on Cross Country, We dwarves are natural sprinters. very dangerous over short distances."


 I was only just chatting to April on Monday about the fact that Jon (the landlord at my local) start making rolls again.  I even discussed price.  I felt £2.50 was about right.  They haven't had a chef since before Christmas and there are always people coming in asking if they do food.  Yesterday, he started doing them again!  He must must have a listening device planted on me somewhere or maybe i'm in my very own less Hollywood version of the Truman Show.  And yes, they were £2.50.  

Monday, 3 February 2025

Rigatoni (penne) Gorgonzola speck

 We used to go to Strada fairly often when the chain was still open and this is what we usually ate.  I've attempted to recreate it and I think it turned out well.  Garlic bread may have stayed under the grill for a touch too long...

Swimming lessons

 I had a 9am meeting with a recruiter in Tonbridge so couldn't do my normal routine in the gym this morning.  Instead I decided to just go for a swim.  40 lengths or 1km.  Half way through a South African ex swim instructor spoke to me when I was having a breather and gave me some tips.  Maybe she saw how much potential I had...

Karaoke night at the Chequers

 Ruined by 9 drunk rugby coaches!

We had a curry night with some of the minis rugby coaches on Friday.  We kicked off at 5, followed by a curry at 8, before descending on my local till last orders.  We easily drowned out the the sound of the microphone.  He, he!

Present for me

 When I take Arthur to do the shopping I usually let him choose a hot wheels car as a thank you for helping me.  This time I spotted these!  I deserve a present too!

Tonbridge Juddians Beer Festival and England match

 It wasn't too busy to begin with then everyone descended on the club for the rugby match.  Shit game and result, but good fun.


 Flo's 1,000 piece disney jigsaw finished on Saturday.  The edges were done last weekend and then annoyingly took up far too much space on the dining table all week till we eventually picked it up again on Saturday.  1 piece missing!