Wednesday 3 September 2008


Getting home from Barcelona I was very close to getting an extra special birthday present. A new addition to the Clark / Parker household.

Don't worry. April's not pregnant... she was just going to buy us a cat. One problem that I can see is the fact that we are both alergic to them.

April claims that she eventually gets used to them and i'm fine with some cats. So unless we were to get a creepy bald one, the problem is still there.

As chance would have it, Steve's away on holiday for a week next week, usually one of Jenny's sisters would house / cat sit for them but he's getting a load of work done to the house whilst he's away so they were going to be put in a cattery. I suggested that we could give the cats a test drive for a week so we're now getting them tonight.

Ginger and Blacky. Watch this space for more exciting Stuart cat news.

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